
September 2024 President's Letter

Written by National Association of Women Judges|September 05, 2024|Monthly Update Archive

Dear Members - 

karen-sage.pngHappy Fall! As I near the end of my presidential term, I have been thinking a lot about our members and their service. Judges play a crucial role in maintaining the fabric of justice and order in our communities. We are not merely arbiters of the law but also key figures in upholding the principles of fairness, equality, and accountability. The importance of judges extends far beyond the courtroom, influencing the overall health and stability of society. In addition to our judicial duties, our members engage in community outreach, legal education, and public service. By engaging with the community, we foster a deeper respect for the law and its role in society.   To that end, on September 18th, we are hosting the webinar Serving the Needs of the Community Through the Courts: A National Perspective. This webinar will focus on the assessment and effectiveness of problem-solving courts from restorative justice to recovery and drug treatment.

One of the many projects we have been working on over the past year is updating NAWJ’s Strategic Plan.  Our current plan was adopted five years ago during a mid-year conference in San Diego. This year, our Immediate Past President, Hon. Toni Clarke (Ret.), has been working with a committee to revise and update the plan.  They have a final draft of the plan that will cover the next five years.  The plan sets our mission, our values, our vision and our goals.  To assist us with the process, we retained a facilitator, Elizabeth Derrico.  Before she met with the committee, she reached out to resource board members, staff, district leaders, board leaders, and members to assess the challenges, opportunities, and expectations for NAWJ.  Since the first strategic plan, we have worked hard to ensure that the plan is a living, breathing document – not something that sits on the shelf and gathers dust. With a clear strategic plan, we can evaluate options and make informed choices that align with the organization’s long-term goals. It helps in prioritizing initiatives and allocating resources effectively. A good strategic plan is vital for setting a clear direction, making informed decisions, aligning resources, and ensuring that the NAWJ is positioned for long-term success. We will be unveiling the work of the committee at the Annual Conference in San Diego.  When we do, I encourage all of you to take a look at it.  I think it provides a lot of insight into who we are as an organization. 

Take Care,

Hon. Karen R. Sage
President, National Association of Women Judges

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